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Becoming Disciples
Through Bible Study

"Becoming Disciples through Bible study" is one of the most popular Bible studies in the discipleship series. It is the first of four completely different studies about the Word of God. These courses prepare individuals to become leaders and Disciples for Christ.

The four disciple studies are:

  1. Becoming Disciples Through Bible Studies
  2. Into the Word Into the World
  3. Remember Who You Are
  4. Under The Tree of Life

Follow this link to learn more about "Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study."

Follow this link to learn more about "Into the Word Into the World."

 Follow this link to learn more about "Remember Who You Are."

Follow this link to learn more about "Under the Tree of Life."

The Series Teaches Disciples to
Put God First

It is our commandment from Jesus to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength. The second most important commandment is to love your neighbor as you love yourself."

Jesus stressed the importance of these commandments by telling his Disciples that there is no other commandment more important than these two.

Yes, becoming disciples through Bible studies is very important. In them is training and discipline in studying God's word.